The 10th House cusp is the special angle Midheaven (MC). This house is angular, also ruled by the zodiac sign of Capricorn and the planet Saturn. It stands for profession and career,…

The 10th House governs our strengths and weaknesses, how we interact with rules and authority and guides us on our professional path.
The 10th House cusp is the special angle Midheaven (MC). This house is angular, also ruled by the zodiac sign of Capricorn and the planet Saturn. It stands for profession and career,…
You are seeking to make an impression on other people everywhere you go and this often helps you harvest some benefits.
You are sensitive to how the world sees you and are often seeking for praise and to do extraordinary deeds that can bring you respect and admiration.
You are more inclined to show your strengths and enter all sort of competitions with others, just to prove yourself.
You can easily get stuck in indecision and to be happier, you need to listen more to what your intuition is telling you to do.
It’s normal for you to be in the spotlight and you often, subconsciously, search to be noticed by interesting people.
You are prone to easily oppose what others may be doing and to try and forge your own path through life.
You need to be careful not to waste good potential for superficial reasons and beware of procrastinating.
You allow your life to be defined by your accomplishments but often miss out on your spiritual evolution.