Zodiac Calendar

The zodiac calendar covers all 366 days of the year to provide personality insight and horoscope information.

December 16th

December 16th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Sagittarius?

The December 16th born Sagittarius is blessed with innate communicative aptitude. Their enthusiasm and drive are predominantly fueled by their solid ideals. Having dignity and a magnetic personality comes in handy when…

December 17th

December 17th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Sagittarius?

Curious and enthusiastic, the December 17th born Sagittarius is a highly energetic and bright individual that strives to learn as much as possible in their lifetime. With a positive and imaginative outlook,…

December 18th

December 18th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Sagittarius?

The Sagittarius born on December 18th is an exceptionally personable, driven and kind being. Worldly and people-oriented, they desire satisfaction and acclaim. By constructively directing their inner energy, they can find balance…

December 19th

December 19th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Sagittarius?

An archetype of the adaptable socialite, the December 19th Sagittarius is empathetic and artistic. Though, in essence, a jack of all trades, this individual tends to crave stability and predictability when it…

December 20th

December 20th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Sagittarius?

Understanding and alluring, the December 20th Sagittarius is someone who draws others in with their fascinating and elegant demeanor. Efficient, compassionate and willing to help, they always bring benefits to any projects…

December 22nd

December 22nd Zodiac: What’s Special About You Capricorn?

Capricorns born under the December 22nd zodiac are very skilled and timid Capricorns. While attractive and interesting, they’re still not quite self-confident because their personality is complicated. Symbol: The Goat Element: Earth…

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