Zodiac Calendar

The zodiac calendar covers all 366 days of the year to provide personality insight and horoscope information.

February 6th

February 6th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Aquarius?

The Aquarius born on February 6th is a very light-hearted, creative individual. They set their gaze on rather elevated, arcane things, tending to disregard the commonplace aspects of life. Symbol: The Water…

February 7th

February 7th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Aquarius?

The February 7th born Aquarius feels a strong pull towards adventure, freedom and revolutionizing current ideals in thrilling and quite peculiar ways. Symbol: The Water Bearer Element: Air Ruling planet: Uranus Representative…

February 8th

February 8th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Aquarius?

People born on February 8th want to be knowledgeable because this makes them feel powerful. They’re intelligent and good executives, not to mention ambitious and very glad to take care of things…

February 11th

February 11th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Aquarius?

Sensitive and emotional, people whose birthday is on February 11th have high ideals and are very happy when they work hard for something they believe in. Symbol: The Water Bearer Element: Air…

February 12th

February 12th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Aquarius?

Aquarians born on February 12th are very artistic and intelligent, yet they prefer to not reveal these things about themselves. Their wit and need to express themselves is only satisfying their adventurous…

February 14th

February 14th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Aquarius?

Having many interests and wishing for a lot to happen, people whose birthday is on February 14th can be indecisive and alternating between reality and their high ideals. Symbol: The Water Bearer…

February 16th

February 16th Zodiac: What’s Special About You Aquarius?

Aquarians born on February 16th are very sociable and want to know everything about their friends in order to see things in a different light. They’re also interested in every intellectual subject.…

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