Love Behaviour of Air Signs: Charming and Spiritual


Air natives are very hard to remain committed to only one partner because they love to flirt and are curious about other people.

They’re very good artists and communicators, not to mention charming and interesting. The Air element makes them lighter and changeable, but also distant and difficult to reach. It’s like they’re here one moment and miles way the next.

Air Signs in Love in a Nutshell

  • Air signs float from one thing to the next in search of new knowledge, making long-term commitments more difficult for them.
  • The Air signs value a more cerebral relationship above something more physical, mainly due to their quest to feed their minds information.

However, when committed to something or someone, they give their all and don’t hesitate to make an effort. They’re considered great because they’re usually helping others to intellectually develop and to expand their horizons.

At the same time, they have a rich imagination and are very intelligent, which means they’re looking to have an intellectual connection with their partner rather than a physical one.

The signs ruled by Air are Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. All people born in these signs have many ideas and love to think or to debate. They’re also very good with communication, so they don’t have a problem expressing their ideas and opinions.

Most of the time, they’re described as analytical, erratic, talkative, ready to collaborate, inquisitive, inventive and friendly. In spite of the fact that they’re all Air signs, there are some traits that differentiate them, especially when it comes to relationship. The Gemini is mutable, Libra cardinal and Aquarius fixed.

Mutable signs can adapt to any person or situation. More than this, they can see both sides of any story and don’t mind change. Geminis love talking and knowing that someone is listening. This is why they thrive in a relationship with someone quiet and inspiring.

When it comes to what these 3 signs have in common, this is their love for new ideas and abstract thinking. They all enjoy debating and are very creative.

How The Air Blows Differently from Sign to Sign

As far as loving them goes, they need to feel the affection of their other half through the mind, which means they wouldn’t be compatible with someone who doesn’t have a love of knowledge. Of course, compatibility is different for each of them because they’re expressing themselves differently.

As a mutable Air sign, the Gemini is continuously changing and is very flexible. He or she expresses him or herself openly because Geminis put communication first. The love for them should be discussed because they love to hear anything, from how emotions feel to how much they’re being appreciated.

Geminis love to talk and to be listened to, which is why they prefer to be with someone who’s more silent, like for example, with a Capricorn or a Scorpio. At the same time, they would appreciate a creative mind like the one of a Leo.

Libras are cardinal signs and very diplomatic, gentle and good at leading. These natives prefer to take the initiative and to make changes themselves, especially if others are not hurrying to do it. They express the Air energy by being intellectuals and having interesting conversations with their friends, also by looking for balance in everything. Not very talkative, they prefer to listen and to calm people down.

When it comes to love, Libras can be quite weak and clingy. The person who’s with them should boost their self-confidence and not depend on them in any manner.

Fixed Aquarians are the purest expression of the Air element because they’re highly intellectual, very logical and the geniuses of the zodiac. At the same time, they’re aloof and relaxed, also unable to talk about their own emotions.

It’s important for them to be with someone who’s allowing their freedom to be expressed because they can’t commit until feeing like that have a lot of independence in the relationship.

Their lover will always be fascinated by their ability to remain loyal and the way they bend rules or manage to live the way they want to. Aquarians need to be given a lot of freedom and space. More than this, they don’t like being rushed in a relationship.

Joy Carter

Astrology enthusiast from an early age, there is a lot more to Joy Carter than meets the eye. She is an experienced practitioner who aims to make her work available to as many people as possible. Instagram, Twitter or Facebook